Video Marketing Vancouver Island | Better Mousetrap Marketing
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Video Marketing


Simple advice can go a long way. No one knows your business better than you, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have questions.



Video marketing is one of the fastest growing and most lucrative forms of online advertising. Experts say that by 2019, internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic, so the time to get on board is now.

Let us take care of all of your video needs and incorporate them into your business’s key marketing messaging. From storyboarding to conducting the big video shoot, editing in post-production to outputting your content to YouTube, we will help you navigate your way around everything from frame rates to final cuts!

Our goal at Better Mousetrap is to make video marketing affordable and attainable to all sizes of business. Once your video is produced, let our digital savvy take your video views to new heights. We will set up your YouTube channel, then develop and post captivating video content to all digital mediums.

Client Videos


Our Video Production Team is ready to help you with the following:

Storyboarding – Let us help you frame the story you need to tell, with rich content and visual aids to guide you through the process.

Filming – Capturing key moments on film, whether it’s through interviews, on-location shooting, or capturing b-roll that helps build your content, we have the know-how to get it done.

Post-Production– We edit in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects, source captivating audio tracks to complement your story, and our graphics team makes video supers clean and well….super!

Output and Digital Fulfilment– Let our digital marketing experts guide you through the best options for getting your video viewed after it’s produced. Facebook and YouTube both offer excellent marketing solutions for getting eyes on your video story.

Sound exciting? We think so too!

Give us a call to get started! We’ll transform your marketing message into a high impact marketing tool that you can use on your website, social media platforms, and other digital platforms.