SEO Nanaimo, Vancouver Island | Better Mousetrap Marketing Ltd
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If you’re not on Google’s 1st page you’re not really anywhere

If your website isn’t showing up on the first page of Google search results, it might as well be in no man’s land.

Click here for your FREE SEO Assessment.

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    Better Mousetrap Marketing search engine optimization

    First page results for your first-rate business

    Our SEO experts based in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, use carefully researched and analyzed keywords and search terms to help people on the hunt for your services find you. 

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of tweaking your website content and code to make it easier for search engines to find. SEO is one of Better Mousetrap Marketing’s specialities, having brought countless websites to the forefront of search engine results.

    Why SEO really matters

    Attract high-quality traffic to your website

    Reach people who are already interested in what you have to offer. Connect with web browsers online who might shy away from calling or visiting your business directly.

    Be mobile-friendly

    Over 50% of all web traffic is done on a mobile device. SEO will make your website more mobile-friendly, helping you capture the majority of the web browsers out there.

    Words that matter

    Web browsers want websites that are relevant to their search. SEO makes sure your content delivers what people are looking for.


    Better quality traffic and more of it will increase your ROI and cut down digital marketing costs. SEO yields organic web traffic and the best thing about organic traffic? It is free! Instead of paying per click, when your website shows up first on that Google or Bing page, they are landing on your webpage with no extra cost to you.

    Is your business up to date on SEO? Better Mousetrap Marketing can conduct an SEO audit on your website. We will look into the following characteristics to determine any gaps or areas for improvement.

    Page load time


    Keyword health checks

    Keyword analysis

    Accessibility (spiderability)

    URL checks

    Duplicate content checks

    Meta tag review

    Image attribute review

    Geolocation check

    Information architecture

    Internal linking review

    Better Mousetrap Marketing will put together a customized SEO and Internet marketing strategy to give your business measurable results.

    Be found more actively on the World Wide Web.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of tweaking the content and code that backs a website to make it easier for search engines to find. When people are looking for your services online they may not have heard of you,  so it’s important to optimize your site using the keywords that will help them find you.  Unlike traditional marketing and advertising efforts that speak to an identified market, the process of SEO uses keywords and  search terms to help people who are looking for your services find you.

    Ultimately, this type of strategy attracts higher-quality traffic to your website. Not only will you reach people who are already interested in your services, but you’ll also be able to connect with the people who might be apprehen­sive about calling or visiting your business directly. From your website, you are able to give a virtual first impression, and provide a convenient source of information even after your regular business hours. When these potential customers do contact you, they can already know quite alot about your business and the services you provide. Better Mousetrap Marketing will put together a customized SEO and Internet marketing strategy to give your business measurable results.

    Contact us at our Courtenay office to learn more about how we can work together to improve your visibility online. Better Mousetrap Marketing is a full service marketing company working with clients in communities on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland, BC.

    budgetglass_crest_final-copy-225-png“Better Mousetrap formulated a comprehensive full service marketing program based on a series of interviews and questionnaires helping us to redefine our marketing strengths, weaknesses, goals, and budgets.

    They’ve been instrumental in assisting us with the intricate nuances of an ever changing Multi-media marketing culture. Their team has helped bring a remarkable level of understanding to an otherwise convoluted marketing paradigm.”  Brian Dusch, Budget Glass


    We’re happy to provide a quote for a new site or perhaps an overhaul to your current site.

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      Already got a great site but want more people to see it? Consider:

      • Search Engine Optimization
      • Online Advertising
      • Content Creation
      • Blogging