Monthly Marketing Services | Better Mousetrap Marketing
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Marketing Packages


A cost and time efficient marketing system

Better Mouse Trap Success Packages



Our Monthly Marketing Programs help your business get ahead. Think of us as your remote team of marketing experts that take care of all things marketing for your company.

Through custom consultation and industry knowledge, we work with you to understand and evaluate your business’ goals. With a clear vision in place, we plan and execute monthly marketing initiatives that will have you standing out from the competition.


Social Marketing

You will receive 3 strategic, customized posts each week, on up to 3 social media platforms of your choosing from the following:

300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayFacebook
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayInstagram
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayTwitter
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayLinkedIn
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayGoogle Business Profile
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayPinterest
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayTikTok

Keeping your industry, products or services, customers, and goals in mind, our team creates promotional, informative, and engaging captions that will capture the attention of your target audience. You will receive one round of post approvals.

Digital Ads

300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayGoogle Ad Campaign – Text only – no display
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - Pixabay$225 ad spend (additional spend is available)
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayCampaign audit and launch
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayAd proofing
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayKeyword/Competitor research (based on platform)
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayMonthly campaign optimization

Dedicated Account Manager

A Dedicated Account Manager is assigned to your account to work one-on-one with you throughout the month.

Starting at $1,600.00 CA/month
+ 1-time set-up fee
Contact Us


Includes everything from the Starter Package + Customer Voice

Online reviews are critical to the success of a local business. In fact, nearly 90% of consumers say they’ll only consider using a business if they have an average rating of 3-5 stars. Win the trust of new customers, collect their valuable feedback and show up where they are looking.

300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayResponding to reviews, positive or negative, on your behalf.  We consult with you on negative reviews to ensure we have the whole story before responding.
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayCustomized Templates for review requests via email and/or SMS


Dedicated Account Manager

A Dedicated Account Manager is assigned to your account to work one-on-one with you throughout the month.

Starting at $1,700.00 CA/month
+ 1-time set-up fee
Contact Us


Includes everything from the Starter Package, Builder Package + Search Engine Optimization – Strategy Creation

Our team of SEO experts will create a bespoke SEO strategy for you in the platform, tailored to your business and attracting your ideal customers.

Within the SEO Strategy Creation add-on, we’ll cover the following areas:

300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayKeyword research
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayWebsite structure
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayContent roadmap
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayCompetitor review
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayBacklink acquisition strategy
300+ Free Check Mark & Checklist Images - PixabayGoogle Business Profile review

Once we’ve completed this, we’ll deliver a video overview from one of our SEO team detailing all of the above.

Search Engine Optimization – Monthly Support (2-hour)

With this package, we will carry out 2 hours’ worth of work to improve your SEO performance.

Dedicated Account Manager

A Dedicated Account Manager is assigned to your account to work one-on-one with you throughout the month.

Starting at $2,200.00 CA/month
+ 1-time set-up fee
Contact Us


Fully Managed Marketing Custom Package

Let us build you a customized marketing package to suit your individual needs. Contact us to build your personalized package.

Monthly marketing plans with Better Mousetrap Marketing

After an initial consult, here’s what you can expect:

A custom package of marketing tools and tactics that offer the best ROI for your business

A timeline for development of these services

A budget that makes sense for your business

Implement your specific marketing strategies

Monthly meetings, results reporting, and suggestions for the future

Increased online presence

That marketing to do list that never gets done… finally gets done!

Get Online
Starting at $550/month

Social Media Marketing

Online Advertising Campaign

Get Ahead
Starting at $1250/month

Social Media Marketing

Online Advertising Campaign

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Website Updating & Maintenance

Advertising Campaign Development

Get an Overhaul
Starting at $2450/month

Marketing Plan Development (12 month calendar)

NEW Website

NEW Branding

Social Media Marketing

Online Advertising Campaigns

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Website Updating & Maintenance

Advertising Campaign Development

Brochure and Print Collateral Design

Our Monthly Marketing Programs allow you to finally take control and get ahead.

There’s an easier way to look after your marketing. There’s a better mousetrap.

We offer business Monthly Marketing Programs whereby we look after all aspects of your marketing.

Following an initial consultation:

  1. we develop a package comprised of marketing tools and tactics that offer the best ROI for your specific business
  2. a timeline for development of these services
  3. a budget that makes sense for your business
  4. implement your specific marketing strategies and report back to you as to their results

We’ve developed a cost and time efficient system that offers businesses a year-long marketing program, paid for in monthly instalments, increases sales and saves owners and managers time with dealing with marketing-related challenges.

Over the course of 12 months we increase your marketing presence and finally get all those marketing realted things you wanted to get done, DONE. Monthly meetings are planned and scheduled whereby we report on results and make suggestions for the future. In essence, we are your marketing hired guns.

Monthly Marketing Packages Examples

A few examples of possible packages.


  • St@450/mo
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Online Advertising Campaign


  • St@750/mo
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Online Advertising Campaign
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Website Updating & Maintenance
    • Advertising Campaign Development


  • St@$1450/mo
    • Marketing Plan Development (12 month Calendar)
    • NEW Website
    • NEW Branding
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Online Advertising Campaigns
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Website Updating & Maintenance
    • Advertising Campaign Development
    • Brochure & Print Collateral Design

Top 5 Reasons Businesses Struggle with Marketing.

  1. No time, too busy.
  2. Unsure where to start.
  3. Unfamiliar with options
  4. No plan, no goal.
  5. No qualified staff to oversee.